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The Shakopee Podcast

Aug 10, 2020

Today we have a two part podcast where we discuss what it means that Valley Fair is a certified as a Certified Autism Center.

We start off with Myron Pincomb with the International Board of Credentialing and Continuing Education Standards. He goes into what it takes to become a Certified Autism Center and what this...

Jul 27, 2020

I am joined by Heather Wilson a Foster America fellow who is helping to end child abuse and neglect in Scott County. We discuss what supports are needed to keep families safe and together. 

Jul 20, 2020

Listen as I go over everything that happened over the 2020 session and how it impacts Shakopee. 

Jul 13, 2020

Today, we are joined by Jen Brewington the Economic Development Specialist for the city of Shakopee. We go into several issues that are facing our local businesses and what they need to continue to thrive in our community. 

Jul 6, 2020

Today I am joined by Safia Khan who is the Government Relations Director for the Shakopee prison. We go into a number of matters around how the prison affects our community and the criminal justice system as a whole.